Hoof care

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Hoof care

Hoof care is one of the most important aspects of horse care. A beautiful saying also shows this painfully: "No hooves, no horse". Yet, hoof care has less priority for many horse owners. The first step in better hoof care is increasing knowledge. Know what you should and should not do for healthier and stronger hooves and leave the actual trimming to a specialist.

Are you experiencing hoof problems? Then take action in time! In case of hoof problems, have the farrier or trimmer come more often. Every 4 to 5 weeks is then nice and in some cases even more often. Did you know that healthy food, lots of exercise and stable hygiene can contribute enormously to the health of hooves?

On this page you will find products that can contribute to a healthy hoof and that can be used in various circumstances.

If you are not sure which product is best for you, please send an email to info@paardeerlijk.nl. We are happy to help you.

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