Vrouw met bruin paard

About PaardEerlijk®

Weight management for horses

More than 10 years of experience with weight management, grazing muzzles and slow feeders!

More and more horses are too fat and that can cause many questions, worries or frustrations for the owner. How do you tackle this and where do I start? We are happy to help you on your way with these issues. In doing so, we find it important not only to look at the grazing muzzle but we like to take a close look at the entire situation. In our opinion, this certainly also includes nutrition and pasture management/housing.

We have years of experience with grazing restrictions, different types of grazing masks and related problems. In recent years we have followed various training courses to be able to help and advise you in the best and most complete way possible.



My name is Karlijn and I live with my husband (Rick) and two sons in Afferden. Originally I am an all-round operating assistant but in the meantime that profession has made way for running PaardEerlijk®.

After my search and experience with my own horse, I felt a great need to help others in this area. The misery of a horse with laminitis and the associated worries, combined with the uncertainty that the changing information from vets, farriers and the internet brings, do not make it any easier. In the end I came to the painful conclusion... I let it happen myself. Ignorantly and never intended to, but for years I did not pay enough attention to nutrition. I had been fighting our horse's excess weight for years, we wore out one grazing muzzle after another and I was constantly trying to keep the associated problems such as chafing within limits. But that alone was not enough to protect her from laminitis. Nutrition plays a much greater role in health.

I now use all the experience I have gained through PaardEerlijk® to help others on their way to a healthier horse!

Trainings and conferences

Training courses

2023 Gemmotherapy 2- Blue Stallion
2022 Orthomolecular follow-up training - Blue Stallion
2021 Epigenetic Orthomolecular Consultant for horses - Annual training Blue Stallion
2021 Gemmotherapy 1 - Blue Stallion
2020 Theme Day Insulin Resistance - Blue Stallion
2020 Theme and practical day Natural horse nutrition - Blue Stallion
2019 Intensive hoof seminar, two days - Lennart Denkhaus, European Institute for Horse Physiology (EIPP)
2019 Lecture Laminitis - Remco Sikkel
2019 Horse Nutrition 3, Nutrition of the horse with muscle and locomotion problems and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - Equivado / Aeres training Centre Barneveld
2016 Lecture Insulin resistance and tail and mane eczema - Eric Laarakker, Den Hoek
2016 Horse Nutrition 4, Nutrition of horses with underweight and overweight, insulin resistance and laminitis - Equivado / Animal Care Course Center Barneveld
​2016 Horse Nutrition 2, Nutrition of the healthy sports horse - Equivado / Animal Care Course Center Barneveld
2016 Basic Training Horse Nutrition - David van Doorn, Equivado / Anivado


2019 The Equine Health & Nutrition congress, 9th edition in Utrecht
2017 The Equine Health & Nutrition congress, 8th edition in Antwerp

Rick en karlijn van paardeerlijk


Rick works as a consultant and information manager in healthcare and helps me in the background. In his spare time he arranges technical website issues and helps in various areas. We completed the complete Equivado nutrition training with David van Doorn together and we like to visit various conferences together. With his background knowledge and shared love for horses, we can brainstorm and discuss issues and the direction of PaardEerlijk® very well.

Hoe zet je een graasmasker verantwoord in? In dit eBook vind je er alles over.

For whom

Our website is for the conscious horse owner who is looking for change. In our assortment you will only find quality products that have been composed or designed with the right intention.

In our library we will help you on your way if you are looking for information about grazing muzzles. If your question or answer is not there or if you prefer to read from paper, our booklet may be a good option. It is a compact guide with a lot of basic information about how to use a grazing muzzle and what you should take into account.

Other services

You can also contact us for (Orthomolecular) Nutritional advice for your horse. More information about this and our advisory services can be found here .

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What do others say about PaardEerlijk®?

Doing the right things with the right knowledge to improve (individual) horse welfare.

Machteld van Dierendonck

Clinical animal behavior therapist and animal welfare specialist.

Lots of knowledge, good products and really take the time for the customer to give you good advice. Really search for a suitable solution.

Elisabeth Varkevisser

Verified customer

Very expert advice, not only in the area of ​​grazing muzzles, but also nutrition. Top service!

Marlieke Coltof

Verified customer

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