Healthy Weight - A Seasonal Approach to BCS in Horses


In this edition you will learn to recognize whether your horse has a healthy weight appropriate for the time of year. For this the Body condition Score (BSC) is used throughout the seasons.

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Determining whether your horse has a healthy weight is not always easy. With this clear booklet you can easily check whether your horse has a healthy condition. We approach the Body Condition Score 9 point scale of Henneke in a natural way where the condition of the horse is allowed to have the natural fluctuations throughout the year.

In this edition you will learn to recognize whether your horse has a healthy weight appropriate for the time of year. Nature has different phases throughout the year on which the metabolism of horses plays, we can make good use of this in the treatment of, for example, overweight.

The following topics will be discussed, among others.

  • Handy score cards per condition score with clear features
  • Extensive explanation of the interpretation of the BCS
  • How to observe realistically
  • Explanation of seasonal fluctuations and why they are important
  • Extra attention for overweight

About the author 

Karlijn Weder has years of experience with grazing restrictions, various types of grazing muzzles and related problems with her company PaardEerlijk. With PaardEerlijk she provides personal grazing muzzle advice, nutritional advice and on-site consultations where the personal needs of you and your horse are central, in addition PaardEerlijk contributes to various training courses. "My company was founded in 2015 from personal experiences and the resulting search for the most comfortable grazing restriction for my own horse. With the knowledge gained, supplemented with literature study, various courses, training courses and international conferences, I like to help other horse owners with the implementation of healthy weight management.


  • Edition: First edition 2024
  • ISBN Paperback: 6097614329317
  • Print information: Paperback with ring binder, 23 full-colour pages, Dutch
Boek over gezond gewicht voor paarden door de seizoenen heen met behulp de Body Condition Score (BSC)

Healthy Weight - A Seasonal Approach to BCS in Horses



Suitable for strict restriction


Suitable for mild disability


Suitable for very mild disability


Adjustable grazing opening


24/7 pasture


Eating hay


Max. wearing time per day


In case of acute health problems




Skin friendliness


Tooth friendliness






Social interaction


Mesh size


Content +/-


Size +/-




Delayed hay intake (slowfeeder)


Suitable for Passive Physio®


Suitable as a snack net


Suitable for coarse hay


Suitable for hay steamer




Guaranteed without harmful coating


Made in the Netherlands
